Friday, January 4, 2013

My January 4th New Year's Resolution

My 2013 New Year's resolution is that I will blog every day!  Pretty lofty goal, I know, but I think I can attain it!

I may have made my New Year's resolution a few days late, but at least I made it!  And I'm definitely going to keep this resolution.

I'm trying to remember any other New Year's resolutions I've made in my life and I honestly can't recall any of them.

Since this blog is about "resolutions" and being "resolved" here's my pop ballad "Strong and Sure," which in reality is about a girl asking her boyfriend to be "resolute". . . but you get the idea!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that is an amazing resolution! Good luck!!!! Inspires me to get back at it!
