Friday, January 11, 2013

Gandalf: The Snow Storm?

Does anyone else think it's just a little weird that a snow storm has the same name as a fictional J.R.R. Tolkien character?  Is it mere coincidence that The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey is currently in theaters and an active snow storm is named after a main character of said Hobbit movie?

Anyway, despite the pop culture references that have obviously infiltrated even the most benign of subjects--weather--I'm still enjoying the snow storm.  Admittedly, I didn't have to drive in it today, so I don't have a reason to enjoy the snow less.

Though I do have to drive in snow tomorrow on my way to sing the national anthem at the Women's BYU vs. Pepperdine Basketball Game in the Marriott Center at 2:00 p.m. MST.  So hopefully, Gandalf (the storm not the character) will have moved on by then...

In preparation for tomorrow, here's my version of "The Star Spangled Banner" on my album As American As Jazz.


  1. Totally agree about storm names! And so excited to hear you sign tomorrow!!!!

  2. I was rather entertained by the naming of the storm XD
