Monday, May 20, 2013

Hail: Here's that Rainy Day

At 11:20 PM yesterday, Erik poked his head into my doorway to ask me if I was watching the storm.  I hadn't been so he lowered my blinds (we have blinds that can go up from the bottom and down from the top).  Then he went back to his room to watch the storm from the west side of the house.

I still needed to brush my teeth and suddenly over the sound of my electric toothbrush heard some banging noises.  Erik came running into my room to pull my blind back up because it was hailing and he didn't want glass to splatter everywhere in the event the hail broke my window.

Hail has never been a part of my love of watching storms.  Thankfully, the hail didn't do much damage to our house. 

Today's song is another storm related song that just includes rain and no hail!  "Here's that Rainy Day" is sung poignantly by the great Ella Fitzgerald.

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