Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Heads up: I'll be both religious and funny in this post.

I'm so grateful Christ was born and is our Redeemer!

I'm also grateful for my loving family--including my sound engineer brother, Erik.  He's the comedian  in the fam and can always make us laugh!

Erik does a lot of close work, including soldering and fixing audio equipment.  He often wears his headlamp that looks like a miner's light, but it only lights his work and does not magnify.  

So my dad bought him and my older brother, Keith, head magnifier glasses with LED lights since Keith also works on computers.  

Looking like Jordy from Star Trek: The Next Generation, Erik discovered that he could increase or decrease the magnification of the glasses with the attached optical discs.  

Sitting on the floor, wearing his new headgear and in true form as if he were at the optometrist getting his eyes measured for new glasses, he blurts out, "Which one is better, one or two?  Two or one?" as he was flipping the glass magnification back and forth!  

Remember the last time you had the eye doctor check your eyes rushing you to indicate which setting was best?  Erik was hilarious as both the optometrist and patient!

Erik and Keith
Merry, merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Best part of this gift was when we found out it was less than $5.00. So much joy for so little cost!!!!
